What Are the Best Channels for Customer Feedback to Improve Service in UK Hotels?

In the dynamic and competitive world of hospitality, understanding your guests' experiences is paramount. It's the feedback you get from your customers that shapes the future of your business. UK hotel industry faces a unique challenge - how to adapt to the varying customer preferences, while still providing the warm, quintessential British hospitality. Your customers are your critics, your cheerleaders, and everything in between. They tell you what works, what doesn't, and what could be better. But where do you find this precious feedback? That's where channels come into play.

Importance of Customer Feedback

Why does customer feedback matter? It's simple. Your guests are the lifeblood of your business. If they're happy, they'll come back. If they're not, they'll go somewhere else. Feedback gives you the inside scoop on what your customers really think of your service. It helps you identify areas for improvement, understand where you're excelling, and ultimately, enhance your guests' experience.

Feedback isn't something you should be afraid of - rather, you should embrace it. It's a tool that will help you grow your business and stay ahead of the competition. But to get the most out of feedback, you can't just rely on one source. You need to use multiple channels, each offering their own unique insights.

Online Surveys

One of the most popular channels for customer feedback is online surveys. In the age of the internet, it's no surprise that many guests prefer this method of communication. It's quick, it's easy, and it can be done at their own convenience.

To start, you can use survey software to create a feedback form that you can then send to your guests via email after their stay. This survey should include questions about their overall experience, the service they received, the quality of their room, and their satisfaction with the amenities and facilities.

Online surveys also offer the advantage of anonymity. Some guests might feel more comfortable providing honest feedback if they know their responses can't be traced back to them.

Hotel's Website and Booking Channels

Your hotel's website and booking channels are other useful avenues for collecting feedback. These platforms are where your guests make their bookings, so it's only fitting that they're also where you ask for their thoughts.

On your website, you can have a dedicated section where guests can leave their reviews and ratings. This not only helps you gather feedback, but also enhances your online reputation. Prospective customers often check online reviews before making a booking, so having positive feedback on your website can help attract new guests.

Booking channels, such as Booking.com, Expedia, and Airbnb, also allow guests to leave reviews. While you don't have control over these reviews, you can respond to them, showing that you value your customers' opinions and are committed to improving your service.

Social Media

In today's digital age, social media is an indispensable tool for businesses. Major platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are not only places where you can promote your hotel, but also where you can interact with your customers and receive their feedback.

Many customers use social media to voice their opinions, both positive and negative. Paying attention to these comments can give you a wealth of information about your guests' experiences.

To encourage feedback, you can post questions or polls on your social media pages, asking your followers about their experiences at your hotel. This not only helps you get feedback, but also boosts your engagement and visibility online.

Face-to-Face Feedback

While online feedback is valuable, it's also crucial to not overlook face-to-face feedback. Online feedback is often limited by the impersonality of the internet, whereas face-to-face feedback allows for more nuanced conversations.

By asking guests for their feedback during their stay, you can gain immediate insights into their experience and make improvements on the spot, if necessary. This personal approach not only helps you get more detailed feedback, but also shows your guests that you genuinely care about their experience.

In the service-oriented world of hospitality, customer feedback is not a luxury - it's a necessity. By using a combination of online surveys, your hotel's website and booking channels, social media, and face-to-face feedback, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of your guests' experiences, helping you to continually improve your service and stay ahead in the competitive UK hotel industry.

Review Websites

Review websites like TripAdvisor, Yelp, and Google Reviews serve as a virtual megaphone for your guests, allowing them to share their experiences with a broader audience. They are a goldmine of customer feedback that hotels can leverage to improve their service.

In addition to providing an outlet for customers to express their feelings about their stay, review websites also allow hoteliers to understand the general perception of their hotel from the public's perspective. You can see patterns in the feedback - for instance, if multiple customers have commented on the excellence of your breakfast buffet, it’s clearly a strength you can capitalise on. Conversely, if several reviews point out issues with room cleanliness, it's a clear indicator of an area that needs immediate attention.

Responding to reviews, both positive and negative, is another crucial aspect of looking for feedback on review websites. Thanking guests for their positive feedback shows you value their opinions. Addressing complaints or criticisms in a professional and empathetic manner shows you're dedicated to improving and resolving issues.

One potential downside of this channel is that feedback is public, which means negative reviews can impact your hotel's reputation. However, this can also be viewed as an opportunity to demonstrate your commitment to customer satisfaction and service improvement.

Mobile Apps

Mobile apps are increasingly becoming a prevalent channel for customer feedback. With the convenience of smartphones, many guests prefer to download the hotel's app and communicate their feedback directly.

Some hotels have their own feedback apps where guests can rate their experience, leave reviews, and even make suggestions. These apps can be customised to ask specific questions about various aspects of the guest's stay, from the check-in process to the quality of room service.

Furthermore, push notifications can be used to remind guests to leave feedback after their stay. This prompt can boost response rates, allowing you to gather more feedback.

In addition, mobile apps allow for real-time feedback. If a guest has an issue during their stay, they can report it immediately via the app. This gives the hotel an opportunity to resolve the issue before the guest checks out, improving their overall experience and potentially preventing a negative review.


No matter how excellent your service, there's always room for improvement - and the key to that improvement is customer feedback. By utilising multiple channels like online surveys, hotel's website and booking channels, social media, face-to-face feedback, review websites and mobile apps, you can gather a wide array of feedback to help you improve your service and exceed guest expectations.

Remember, each channel provides unique insights - a disgruntled tweet might highlight an issue you were previously unaware of, a glowing review on your website can reveal what you're doing right, and a candid face-to-face conversation can yield invaluable suggestions for improvement.

In the competitive UK hotel industry, standing out from the crowd is crucial. By actively seeking and utilising customer feedback, you're not just listening to your guests - you're showing them that their experience matters to you. And that's the kind of service that keeps customers coming back.